Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/90d7eebd49dc11ef83a20affc19e4f67

Adulting 102 – Money Grows

with Steve Kautz


March 19th, 2025

Price not available More Info

So, you're on a budget, managing a bank account, and wondering about the next steps in your financial journey.  In Adulting 102, we will look at the differences between saving and investing, and if you are ready to invest, how to get started.  Other topics will include protecting your assets (insurance), advanced budgeting, and understanding the role economics plays in our financial life.  Join Steve Kautz, Financial Education Programs Specialist from the Finance Authority of Maine for this 1-hour virtual workshop as you take the next steps into adulting.  FREE, but you must register to get the ZOOM link.

Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/91a505bc49dc11ef83a20affc19e4f67

Career & Workforce Exploration

with Suzette Moulton, CCSP

START ANYTIME!  Are you thinking about career options? Let us help you get to know yourself better! Suzette, our Certified Career Services Provider, will guide you through self-exploration - including career values, interest assessments, and even your search for a college or training program that meets your needs. Open to all future-minded youth and adults who are exploring workforce and training or education. Please call 345-3217 for an appointment. Registration: 4-week session, $50. Free to unemployed tri-town residents.